

Yes, there I said it. My first post on my very own brand new blog is about sweat.

And I’m not talking the working out kind of sweat. Oh no. I’m talking about the “We need to leave the house in 2 minutes and Caiden just pooped in his diaper” sweat.

See this happens to me every morning. Like clockwork. Maybe I should have learned by now, that thats’ just how my mornings are going to go from now till the year 2012 (hopefully).

So here’s my schedule and the reason I sweat in the morning:

5:30 – Caiden gets up to have a bottle
5:45 – Caiden finishes an falls back asleep (as does mommy)
7:15 – Oh no slept in…jump up to te\ake shower
7:45 – 8:00 out of shower wake up Collin, blow dry hair as quick as can be, get Caiden dressed.
8:05 – Get breakfast ready for the 3 of us. Feed the children
8:15 – Start car, brush teeth, Collin brushes teeth
8:20 – Start getting coats on…..oh crap Caiden went again!
Run upstairs, sweating starts….change and wipe bum as fast as I can making sure not to get it on him or myself so as to not have to change the whole outfit, run back downstairs, sweat more, try to get Caiden in his winter suit without him screaming, tie Collin’s shoes (poor Collin), make sure we have…diaper bag, with bottles; backpack, with snacks; purse, with lunch bag. Get in the car at 8:30…thats if I’m lucky.

So thats is why I sweat in the mornings. I should probably wake up way earlier… but snuggling with my babies is worth all the sweat in the world.

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